Welcome to the Relaxing Clock’s blog 😌
The Shortcuts
This post lists the shortcuts available in Relaxing Clock. It will be updated alongside the app. Some shortcuts will be shown on screen while so they might no be present in this article. Quick-launch for the “Command box” Alt + R: Create a reminder Alt + T: Search a song in Spotify Alt + M: Search a playlist in Spotify Alt + L: Search all matching the query in Spotify...
How to use the command box
Relaxing Clock v3 introduced a new terminal-style command box, that allows you to interact with the web application quickly, without lifting your fingers from the keyboard to do some key operations. How to launch the command box The command box can be launched with ctrl + [space], which will bring the focus to the input field. You can leave it at any time with the Esc key. Usage A general command is structured as follow:...